National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements (NCAs)

National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements (NCAs)

HRSA-15-140, due: June 1, 2015

HRSA is now accepting applications for FY2015 National Training and Technical Assistance Cooperative Agreements (NCAs) program. The purpose of this funding opportunity is to provide funding to organizations to provide necessary technical and non-financial assistance to potential and existing health center program grantees and look-alikes in the areas of oral health, health information technology and data, and clinical workforce development. HRSA is seeking to fund up to four NCAs to provide training and technical assistance directly and through collaborative partnerships to support health centers in providing better, more affordable care in their communities. Collaborative partners include Health Center Controlled Networks (HCCNs), Primary Care Offices (PCOs), and Primary Care Associations (PCAs), as appropriate.

Organizations that receive NCA funding under this announcement will provide specialized national T/TA to health centers in one of the following target areas:

Oral Health – The Oral Health cooperative agreement will provide specialized T/TA to help health centers provide new high-quality oral health services, enhance the quality of oral health services currently provided, and accurately report on oral health care quality in annual reports to HRSA.

Health Information Technology (HIT) and Data – The HIT and Data cooperative agreement will provide specialized T/TA to help health centers adopt, optimize, and implement meaningful use of electronic health records (EHRs) and related health information technology; develop and improve data quality, aggregation, and analytic capacity; use data to support clinical and operational quality improvement; and support effective recruitment and retention strategies for informatics and information management staff.

Clinical Workforce Development – The Clinical Workforce Development cooperative agreement will provide T/TA to help health centers identify and implement innovative models and effective practices to train health profession students, residents, and licensed clinicians to provide high quality care to vulnerable populations in team-based primary care settings.

AWARD AMOUNT - Approximately $3,000,000 will be awarded to up to four cooperative agreements, over a one year, ten month project period beginning September 1, 2015, ending June 30, 2017. Award amounts for each NCA are as follows; applicants may not request more than the maximum funding amount: Oral Health NCA ($500,000 to fund one NCA annually); HIT and Data NCA ($2 mil to fund up to two NCAs annually); Clinical Workforce Development NCA ($500,000 to fund one NCA annually).

You can read the guidance here and download the application here. Contact CLC today for assistance with this application.