FY2018 Service Area Competition (SAC) Grant applications are here! Much has been changed this time around, including a majority of questions asked within the project narrative. Be sure your scope (Form 5A, 5B, and 5C) is in proper alignment prior to filing this hefty application. It'll save you a lot of grief.
Remember, the SAC application is a two step process. Grants.gov submits your intent to apply, opening the formal application in HRSA's EHB to file and submit.
Want some help? This application is no cake walk and involves a lot of moving parts. Lucky for you, we've been filing these for years, and we've become highly efficient in the process. We can help you develop any of the following components:
- needs assessments
- grant writing
- forms and attachments
- policy and procedures
- scope verification
- grant budget and supporting forms/schedules
- clinical and financial performance measures
- application management, project management
- EHB assistance/training
- review and submission
Email, call, or chat with us today for assistance.